Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Online Journalism in a Digital World - Tornado takes 51, 41, then 24

Yesterday, Monday May 20th, 2013, marked what many feared was the worst tornado (devastation-wise) in recent memory. It hit Moore, Oklahoma, a suburb of Norman. Reports initially reported that the tornado hit some elementary schools somewhere around 3pm CST, and that there were children present. The death toll was reported at 51 (including at least 20 children) for the longest time, even as rescue and recovery efforts continued into the night. Just before I went to bed, after 11pm, CNN reported that the death toll was raised by 40, to 91 people dead. The next day when I came into my office, I went online to check, and lo and behold - this death toll number has been revised to 24. Local officials have cited chaos, double counting and other explanations for the inaccuracies.

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