Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Embedding Video test

This is to check if blogger is supporting the embedding of videos.

Media Blog Assignment: Hedrick

My favorite local media site is the Anniston Star

Setting Up Your Blogspot Account

Students taking Internet Production will need to activate a Blogspot Account in order to complete the Favorite Website Assignment (#1), as well as your Media Blog Assignment (#2). If you have an activate Google or GoogleMail Account, you can use this to first log into Blogspot. You will need to establish a Blog account and send the URL to your instructor.
To complete Assignment #1:
Create a new Blog Post, and enter "Media Blog Assignment: Last Name (change this to your last name)" into the Title.
Your Professor will show you how to complete this assignment in class. Any questions should be asked during this session.
You will also need to become a follower of COM375 Blogspot, URL defined by at